Bible Teaching MP3s
Contents1. By Biblical Book
2. By Subject
Now below on this page I've included general pages where you can search for what you're looking for under the following headings
3. General Links
4. Great Preachers
5. Free Seminary Courses online
Here are a few websites with search engines of preaches and generally good stuff.
Tends to be reformed preaches.
Really comprehensive list. Search engine is a little fiddly and doesn't always find what you know is already there! So try a few ways of searching. It's got great stuff from Tozer, Clowney, etc.
If I'm preparing a preach these guys below are the first preachers that I check for teachings after I've done my own study and prayer.
Mark Dever
He has an excellent series of one sermon overviews of entire biblical books. I always listen to these before preparing a new preachings series on a book of the bible.
Kenneth Boa
This guy is a little like a talking commentary. In a good way. It's more a bible study type of class, so very detailed but great for historical, theological & cultural stuff. I use his stuff for preparation.
Verse by verse preaching on the whole book with good application and cultural engagement . Gary De Lashmutt and Dennis Macallum's series are excellent. They've both been influenced by Francis Schaeffer and so are quite philosophical and reflective on culture.
Mars Hill (Mark Driscoll)
Verse by verse preaching on the whole book with very good application and cultural engagement. He's very strong on theology. Reformed Perspective. He's also very funny. He's involved with the Acts 29 church planting network
Lincoln Berean
Verse by verse preaching in a very down to earth way with great illustrations and with a strong emphasis on application. This is a flash site so you'll have to navigate to get to the sermons. Go to Multimedia/listen to sermons/type 'Ephesians' in the keyword search.
Recently seminaries have begun putting up a number of their full courses for download. A lot of them are on itunes.
RTS (Reformed Theological Seminary)
Over 40 of their courses are on the itunes site. Highlights: Edmund Clowney and Tim Keller lectures on preaching. Excellent stuff.
Biblical Training (Gordon Conwell)
Aims to provide a complete seminary level education for free. Composed mainly of courses from Gordon Conwell. These are wonderful. Highlights for me were Frank Thielman's New Testament Theology Class, Robert Stein's Gospels class, and Timothy Tennent's Missions class.
Covenant Theological Seminary
Over 30 courses. Excellent quality. Highlights Bryan Chapel's Christ Centred Preaching class.
Gordon Conwell
Westminster Theological Seminary
Highlights include Edmund Clowney on Biblical Theology.
Dallas Theological Seminary